Marie Rose

Marie Rose

Welcome to the $SPX Revenue Share Holders!
Welcome to the S&P6900, 0xe0f63a424a4439cbe457d80e4f4b51ad25b2c56c on ETH and J3NKxxXZcnNiMjKw9hYb2K4LUxgwB6t1FtPtQVsv3KFr on SOL. An advanced blockchain cryptography token with limitless possibilities and scientific utilization. Imagine the power of the whole entire stock market put inside little tiny crypto coins. With the help of the greatest minds in mathematics and research, this power is now on the Ethereum blockchain science technologies for the first time in the history of finance. 欢迎使用 S&P6900, 这是一种具有无限可能性和科学利用的先进区块链加密代币。 想象一下整个股市的力量 放入微小的加密货币中。 在数学和研究领域最伟大的头脑的帮助下,这种力量现在首次出现在金融领域的以太坊科学技术上。
This document serves as the official disclosure for, a fan-made website for the token SPX ("SPX") residing on the Ethereum and Solana blockchain. It is crucial to read and understand the following points carefully before interacting with SPX in any form.
No Development Involvement
We, the community of SPX6900, did not develop or deploy the smart contract code or have any part in the creation of the SPX project.
No Financial Offering
We have not sold, nor are we offering to sell any financial instruments, products, or assets, including but not limited to SPX Tokens. SPX is not a security, commodity, or any kind of financial instrument and has not been registered under the securities laws of any jurisdiction.
No Intrinsic Value
SPX Tokens are fundamentally valueless digital assets residing on the Ethereum blockchain. They are not backed by any commodity, security, or currency, and they have no intrinsic value. Their worth (or lack thereof) is purely speculative and subject to market risks, including complete loss of value.
No Rights or Claims
Holding or interacting with SPX Tokens does not grant you any rights or claims, expressed or implied, to any form of compensation, reimbursement, governance, or control within the SPX community or project. The tokens do not confer upon the holder any ownership rights, profit-sharing rights, voting rights, or any other rights commonly associated with financial assets.
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